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Hot wallpapers can make it an exciting day ahead for you. When you sit before your computer in the morning and start the day's work, the wallpaper of you computer can very well take control of your mood. As psychologists aver, if you can set your mood in a positive vein at the outset itself, you may be in a happy and positive frame of mind throughout the day. And in order to set you mind positive, hot wallpapers have unique significance. This is because, as poet John Milton said "the mind in its own place and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven", our mind can very well turn positive or negative depending on the immediate experience. Thus, if your day starts with the view of some hot wallpapers of Hollywood or Bollywood celebrities at your desktop, you can expect for an exciting day ahead.

Hot wallpapers of Hollywood celebrities can very well give you an exciting day ahead. A well chosen wallpaper of Angelina Jolie with her bad ass attitude, big juicy lips, and sexy body makes her one of the most favourite wallpapers ever chosen anywhere. Equally engaging is Scarlett Johansson. Jennifer Lopez or J-Lo at 37 is another hot image in the Hollywood stardom as she continues to make movies and headlines for her hot relationships. Jessica Alba is another hot image who has no bar for showing it off. Keira Knightley from Britain is another hot image for your desk top. Jennifer Aniston is a very preferred hot actress who can very well enliven your day through her wallpapers. Equally inspiring are Carmen Electra, Pamela Anderson and Lindsay Lohan.

If you are a woman, hot wallpapers of Hollywood actors could make your day exciting. Wallpapers of Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman, Matt Demon, Orlando Bloom, George Clooney, etc. could provide inspiring moments for those who have infatuation for them. You can arrange your computer desktop in such a away that the picture of your favourite star in your preferred theme and pose would appear before you at the click of the mouse to inspire you during the opening moments of your day. On the other hand, if your celebrity is a regional movie star, you can very well arrange a few of his/his wallpapers to lighten up your murky moments. If you are interested in Bollywood stars, you can use the pictures of Salman Khan, Hruthik Roshan, Akshay Kumar, John Abraham, Kareena Kapoor, Asin, Aiswarya Rai or Madhuri Dixit as your favourite wallpapers.


Of all the dogs, the Dalmatian is easily spotted by its characteristic black spotted features. How these black spots evolved remains a puzzle. The Dalmatian is a European breed, first discovered in Western Yugoslavia. In the USA the Dalmatian was first introduced about 120 years ago and still remains one of the most popular dogs as a pet.

One of the great features of the Dalmatian is its energy level and ability to exercise for long duration. The Dalmatian is not a pet for a small apartment because it needs a lot of room. Training this dog is not difficult but does require a great deal of patience. Training can be difficult at times because the dog often tends to become stubborn. While the Dalmatian does make a great pet dog, it often does get ill tempered with other dogs. Ironically, it is quite friendly with other animals like cats and even horses. For those families with children, the Dalmatian should not be the first pet as it is full of energy and though not intentional, it can be a little rough with small children. However, if the dog is well trained it can make a great loving pet. Despite its size and energy, the dog will rarely harm a child or the owner.


The Dalmatian is one dog that needs regular exercise and thus, it is more suited for people who are active. Simply taking the Dalmatian out to poop will not be adequate as it prefers to go for long outdoor runs. The majority of Dalmatian owners indicate that it makes a great jogging companion. When you first buy the Dalmatian as a puppy it will gladly live in the apartment, but as soon as it grows, it will let you know where it wants to go. Throwing a ball in the park is another way to provide exercise for them as well.

The Dalmatian prefers the cool temperate weather more so than the hot humid climate. When outside, one has to make sure that it is provided with lots of water and a shade to rest under. The dog does tend to become attached to humans and loves people company. Even though the Dalmatian loves the outdoors, it also prefers to be with humans once inside the home.